Date: Tuesday, 16 September 2008 7:46 PM
Hi all
Yesterday morning we opened the curtains to a sunny morning in Clifden. What a relief, as we were beginning to wonder if the sun ever emerged here. So we packed up and headed north, over yet another mountainous scenic road toward Westport, with no fixed plan as to where we'd stay.
The sunlight added a new perspective to our views and we thoroughly enjoyed the drive through vales and rural landscapes, everywhere sprinkled with views of salty bays and fresh water streams, the latter sparkling and frothy as they tumbled toward the sea creating egg laying sites for salmon as they progressed.
As mentioned earlier, our target in Westport was Matt Molloy's Pub. Having found a parking spot in busy Westport we took off on foot and very shortly were drinking a Guinness in the very place. Matt Molloy is a famous musician whose main claim to fame is membership of The Chieftains, an Irish band of the mid 70s (I think).
Deciding that we liked Westport, we checked in to a B&B to find that it was partly occupied with some members of the Irish Guards Choir. The Guards is a British regiment and our fellow B&B-ers were engaged in a singing tour of Ireland. So naturally we went along with their invitation to join all 40 of them in practising at the local pub, The Helm. A great night followed, as far as we can recall and we'll tell you the details when we've sorted out our story.
Sunny again, today so we decided we'd head north again, it being really easy to find accommodation. We'll let you know how we go...
Some pics again...
Mary outside the pub in Westport. Josie, in particular should enjoy this one.
Seaweed collector at low tide at Westport Quay, with local pub, The Shebeen, in background.
Mary and our car on roadside between Clifden and Westport, sheep prominent in background.
Magnificent salmon water not far from above pic. Wouldn't I have liked to have had a go...
Thanks for reading.. On to somewhere else.
Kev & Mary Long
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